Football as an including activity in school


Football as an including activity in the school

My name is Anders. I am 23 years old and has been a part of the Norec project based on the partnership between HiMolde, HVL, Patandi teachers college and Open University of Tanzania.

I have joined a lot of different football matches while on exchange in Tanzania. All from arranged football matches between classes to fun football matches in the breaks between lessons. 

5th grade against 6th grade.

In Primary school we arranged a football match between the 5th and 6th graders. Each of the teams got one Norwegian at their team. I played with the 5th graders and Erland played with the 6th graders. The match was a very big event so it came a lot of supporters to watch the match. We had positions to follow (unlike the matches I played earlier), and also 11 vs 11. It was a tight match with no teams really close to scoring. In the fifth minute of the match it started raining a lot. Under a minute after the rain started the match had to be temporarily stopped because of flooding on the pitch. After half an hour with still a lot of rain the match had to be cancelled.

This is a team photo with me and my team
This is a team photo with me and my team
The goals are just two sticks in the ground with a string as a crossbar
The goals are just two sticks in the ground with a string as a crossbar

Article 31 in the CRC (Convention on the rights of the child) says:

1. States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.

2. States Parties shall respect and promote the right of the child to participate fully in cultural and artistic life and shall encourage the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity.

I have seen that the school we worked at seems to follow this article.

Here is a video of me and the kids playing football with a cow on the pitch.

The best things about these football matches is to see how much it means to the kids, and to see how much they love to play. I love that there is almost nothing that will stop the kids from paying football. I have seen kids running around barefooted. We have played with a ball that has the same size as a tennis ball. We have played with a ball that gets flat every time you kick it. We have even played games with both goats and a cow in the middle of the field. 

Children with Disabilities & UN Rights Conventions - Project blog
Alle rettigheter forbeholdt 2023
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