



Hi 😊 My name is Anne.

I am a nurse and work as a teacher in the Bachelor of Nursing program at Molde University College.

I was fortunate to participate in a NOREC teacher exchange to Dar Es Salaam in the winter of 2024. One of our assignments, together with two others on the exchange program, was to share health knowledge.

At Uhuru Mchanganyiko Primary School, there were mothers who accompanied their children to class and waited for them until the end of the day. A group of these mothers has organized themselves into a collective named "Uhuru Mama Collective" in connection with this NOREC project. They make different products for sale, and we had the opportunity to meet them several times and get to know them a little better.

We, who were on the exchange program, made ourselves available to the mothers if they wished to gain more knowledge about certain topics or wanted to discuss particular matters. They themselves selected the topics of children's nutrition and reproductive health.

We leveraged each other's expertise in various ways -academically, socially, culturally, and linguistically. We communicated in English, which was translated into Swahili by one of us who was a native speaker. Our difference in professional and cultural background complemented each other.

There were approximately 25 mothers who attended each meeting. They were attentive, dedicated, and curious. They asked questions and discussed various challenges they were facing. As fellow mothers, we could relate to several of these issues regardless of our countries and cultures, while some challenges were more closely related to economic factors.

This form of knowledge exchange was a new experience for me as a teacher on an exchange program, especially considering that we taught in two languages, English and Swahili. It was particularly important for us to demonstrate through both words and actions that we valued two-way communication, which the mothers appreciated and evaluated positively.

The mothers appreciated being served juice and some food. Additionally, each person was given gifts such as soap, toothpaste, and toothbrushes from us and other contributors.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have met the mothers and learn from them about their experiences of being mothers in Dar Es Salaam."

All in all – successful days.


Hi, my name is Bente, and in the winter of 2024, I had the opportunity to participate in NOREC's exchange program, "Children with Disabilities and UN Rights Conventions," in Tanzania. Along with participants from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), Sogndal, Bergen, and Molde University College, I had an unforgettable experience....

Hi! My name is Benedicte-Marie, I am 24 years old. I participated in the Norec project in Tanzania from January to April 2024. I was at Patandi Secondary School in Arusha, together with three other students from Norway. Many of the students at the school had physical disabilities, while a small group did not. At the beginning of the exchange,...

It was in the Winter of 2024, but it was Summer on the other side of the world. I had the privilege of joining the team of students from HVL and HiM in the NOREC exchange program with other HiM teachers.

My name is Frida, I am 24 years old, and I am studying social educator at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. From January to April, I spent my exchange period in Arusha, Tanzania. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to travel to this beautiful country through the organization NOREC, and to have met so many lovely people....

Hello! My name is Ingeborg, and I am a 26 year´s old social educator graduate from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. I consider myself incredibly lucky to have had the opportunity to participate in NOREC´s exchange program in Arusha, Tanzania for three months as a student before completing my education. Our main goal was to implement...

My names is Mathea and im a 21-year-old graduate at Molde University College this spring. These past months ive been spending time with a bunch of beautiful children in Arusha, Tanzania. And together with 6 other students, we collaborated with our host college to try to learn how Tanzanian systems work and how we as social educator students can...

My name is Mia Bergesen, and I am a student at Western university of Applied Science. Recently I was at a three-month exchange program in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. This exchange was done through the NOREC-project, and our main goal was to implement and exchange knowledge about the human rights of the child and people with disabilities (CRPD and...

Hello! My name is Thomas, and I'm 21 years old. I am a social educator graduate from Molde University College, and I was one of the exchange students that had my 3 month long exchange in Dar es Salaam Tanzania. My internship was at Uhuru primary, and I spent most of my time there at two different units. These two...

Hello, my name is Tonje and I am 22 years old. I am one of the students who went on exchange to Dar Es Salaam through the NOREC project. I had my internship at Uhuru primary school from January to April spring 2024. Here I was with eight other students, and we were divided into two different units: children who...

Activity Day


Hello, my name is Amira and I'm 28 years old. I was one of the students who went on exchange to Dar Es Salaam through NOREC, at Uhuru Primary School. We worked with two different units: the deafblind and children with intellectual disabilities.

Children with Disabilities & UN Rights Conventions - Project blog
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